Lead, Don’t Manage
Random musings on leadership and technology
Do we still need Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing as an organizational function needs to cease to exist if we want to truly focus on the customer.
Data is still like crude oil
Eight years after ‘Data is the new oil’ first appeared, data is still like crude oil. Our obsessive focus on the 1% of Business Intelligence users has caused us to forget the other 99% who are left dealing with spreadsheets.
Marketing Qualified Leads: You ‘ll know them when you see them
A Marketing Qualified Lead is something so unique to your industry, company, marketing tactics, etc. that nobody else can define for you.
Startup Fundraising: Entrepreneur, be scrappy!
Less is more when it comes to capital in the early stages of a startup. Fundraising is a very time-consuming activity and more cash can easily de-focus you early on.
Why LinkedIn’s publishing platform is a smart move
LinkedIn has historically trailed most other major social networks engagement rates. Expanding access to their publishing platform to all their users may just change this.
Startup marketing: Hiring your first VP of Marketing
Hiring the first VP of Marketing for your startup can sometimes be confusing. Understanding the skills of the founders can help you determine when and who to bring onboard.
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