Despite our differences, most Global Fortune 500 companies face the same challenges in scaling social media and executive support is the key differentiator.
What I learned at SAP’s Influencer Summit: Social Media can work!
Aligning your event goals with your social media, can ultimately increase your community and improve your brand awareness.
Social Media Lessons From Andy Warhol
In 1968, Andy Warhol said, “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes”. Last month, I had the honor of playing a small part in a big story that demonstrated the power the SAP Mentors (the most influential SAP Community Network members) yield in the SAP ecosystem. This ‘campaign’ even created its own […]
Social Media Marketing ROI: Looking For The Holy Grail?
I had the honor of participating in a panel discussing the impact of Social Media today. Our lively discussion prompted me to write this post as a follow up to my last one. Social media reminds me of the internet bubble of the late 90s and I believe Amara’s law best encapsulates the state of […]
Social Media Marketing: Think marriage, not a one-night-stand
In order to succeed with social media, it takes a long-term sustained commitment and a mindset on building trust-based relationships.